Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest April 2014 No. 4 Vol. 93
National Early Childhood Policy

Early Childhood Education

The Universal Preschool Debate

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National Early Childhood Policy

Major Federal Early Education and Child Care Programs

The following describes the major Federal child care and early education programs and how they are administered. ■ Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) The CCDBG is the primary source of Federal grant funding dedicated to child care subsidies for low-income working families. The CCDBG has two funding streams. Discretionary funding is authorized by the CCDBG Act of 1990, which is currently due for reauthorization. The CCDBG Act was last reauthorized — through the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 and substantially expanded by the 1996 welfare reform law. Although the authorization has expired, the CCDBG has continued to…

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