Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest June 1999 No. 6 Vol. 78
Honorable Trent Lott

Y2K Issues

Resolving Year 2000 Liability Disputes

Honorable Trent Lott

United States Senator, Mississippi, Republican

Senator Lott was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1988.He previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives from1972 to 1988. From 1995 to 1996, he served as Senate MajorityWhip, after which he was elected to his present position as SenateMajority Leader. He is a member of the following committees: Commerce,Science, and Transportation; Finance; and Rules. The followingstatement is from the Senate floor debate of April 29, 1999, onS. 96, the Y2K Act.Let me talk for a moment about what this bill does. It seemsto be a little bit clouded by the debate. It provides time forplaintiffs and defendants…

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