Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest August 1999 No. 8 Vol. 78
Reauthorization of Education Programs

The Federal Role in Education

1999-2000 Policy Debate Topic

Reauthorization of Education Programs

Reconsidering the Federal Role

The authorizations for most programs of Federal aid to elementaryand secondary education, plus support of educational research,statistics, and assessment activities, are scheduled to expireduring the 106th Congress (1998 through 1999). This includes theauthorizations for programs under the Elementary and SecondaryEducation Act (ESEA); the Goals 2000: Educate America Act (Goals2000); the Educational Research, Development, Dissemination, andImprovement Act (ERDDIA); and the National Education StatisticsAct (NESA). As a result, the Congress is likely to consider whether,and in what amended form, to extend these programs. The followingprovides an overview of primary issues that are likely to ariseas these Acts are considered for reauthorization. Federal…

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