American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Arthur Waldron, Director of Asian Studies
Founded in 1943, the Washington, D.C.-based American EnterpriseInstitute is one of America’s largest think tanks. AEI researchcovers economics and trade; social welfare; government tax, spending,regulatory, and legal policies; U.S. politics; international affairs;and U.S. defense and foreign policy. The Institute’s 50 residentscholars and fellows include economists, legal scholars, politicalscientists, and foreign policy experts. In addition to his positionat AEI, Arthur Waldron has been a Lauder Professor of InternationalRelations at the University of Pennsylvania since 1997 and anassociate in research at the Olin Institute for Strategic Studiesand the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research at Harvard Universitysince 1994. In 1972, he was…