Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest April 2000 No. 4 Vol. 79
California Air Resources Board (ARB)

Cleaner-Burning Gasoline

Balancing and Protecting the Quality of Air and Water

California Air Resources Board (ARB)

Michael P.Kenny, Executive Officer

The California Air Resources Board is a department of theCalifornia Environmental Protection Agency. Its mission is topromote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resourcesthrough effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizingand considering effects on the economy. The Board oversees allair pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintainhealth based on air quality standards. The ARB appointed MichaelP. Kenny to his current position in August 1996. He had been appointedARB General Counsel in 1990. Prior to that appointment he servedas Enforcement Counsel at the California Fair Political PracticesCommission and as a Deputy District Attorney for San Joaquin County.The following…

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