Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest April 2000 No. 4 Vol. 79
Reformulated Gasoline

Cleaner-Burning Gasoline

Balancing and Protecting the Quality of Air and Water

Reformulated Gasoline

History and Benefits of the Federal Program

Reformulated gasoline (RFG) is gasoline blended to burn cleanerand reduce smog-forming and toxic pollutants in the air we breathe.About 75 million people are breathing cleaner air because of RFG.The second phase of the RFG program, which began in January 2000,will achieve even greater reductions in air pollution than PhaseI RFG.History of RFGDespite tremendous progress in reducing U.S. air pollution since the Clean Air Act was passed almost 30 years ago, cars and trucks are still a major source of pollution because the number of cars and trucks and the number of miles driven keep growing. One way to reduce air…

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