Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest May 2007 No. 5 Vol. 86
Honorable James F. Sensenbrenner

D.C. Voting Representation

Democratic Rights for Citizens of the Nation's Capitol

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Honorable James F. Sensenbrenner

United States Representative, Wisconsin, Republican

Representative Sensenbrenner, of the Fifth District of Wisconsin, was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1978. He served in the Wisconsin Assembly from 1968 to 1974 and in the Wisconsin Senate from 1974 to 1978. He sits on the Judiciary Committee and the Science and Technology Committee, where he is the Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. The following is from the March 22, 2007, House floor debate on H.R. 1433, the District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2007.The Judiciary Committee is supposed to be the legislative guardian of the Constitution….

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