Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest January 2000 No. 1 Vol. 79
Honorable Christopher J. Dodd

Financial Services Restructuring

Cross-Ownership of Banking, Securities, and Insurance Interests

Honorable Christopher J. Dodd

United States Senator, Connecticut, Democrat

Senator Dodd was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1980.He was a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1974to 1980. He serves on the following committees: Banking, Housing,and Urban Affairs; Foreign Relations; Health, Education, Labor,and Pensions; Rules and Administration, in which he is the RankingMinority Member; and the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress.The following is from the May 4, 1999, Senate floor debate onS. 900, the Financial Services Modernization Act.I reluctantly rise to express my deep concerns about the legislationbefore us that attacks what I consider to be one of the most importantlaws in our…

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