Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest October 2002 No. 10 Vol. 81
What Would the Reorganization Cost?

How to Protect the Nation

Proposed Department of Homeland Security

What Would the Reorganization Cost?

Congressional Budget Office Estimates

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that implementing H.R. 5005 would cost about $4.5 billion over the 2003_2007 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary funds. These costs are in addition to those that would be incurred by the Office of Homeland Security under current law. They include expenses to establish, house, and administer a new Cabinet-level department and carry out new activities and programs authorized by the bill. This estimate does not include additional funds to enhance the homeland security functions of the agencies that would be transferred to the new department except when specifically authorized by H.R. 5005. The…

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