Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest February 1998 No. 2 Vol. 77
Hessel Bouma III, Ph.D.

Human Cloning

Scientific, Legal, and Ethical Considerations

Hessel Bouma III, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Dr. Bouma has taught at Calvin College since 1978, and serves on the board of the Medical Ethics Resource Network of Michigan. He has an A.B. in Biology from Calvin College and a Ph.D. in Human Genetics from the University of Texas Medical Branch. The following is from July 22, 1997, hearings on the Prohibition of Federal Funding for Human Cloning Research held before the Subcommittee on Technology of the House Science CommitteeThank you for the invitation to participate in this hearing on human cloning. I speak not as a representative of any particular organization or institution, but as a…

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