Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest December 2004 No. 10 Vol. 83
Sen. John D. Rockefeller, IV (WV-D)

Intelligence System Reform

Creating a New Power Structure in a Time of War

Sen. John D. Rockefeller, IV (WV-D)

Honorable John D. Rockefeller, IVUnited States Senator, West Virginia, DemocratSenator Rockefeller was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1984. He served in the West Virginia House of Delegates from 1966 to 1968, as West Virginia Secretary of State from 1968 to 1972, and as West Virginia Governor from 1976 to 1984. He is Vice Chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence and also sits on the following committees: Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation; Finance; Foreign Relations; Veterans Affairs; and the Joint Committee on Taxation. The following is from the September 27, 2004, Senate debate on S. 2845, the…

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