Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest October 2014 No. 8 Vol. 93
Justice Department Marijuana Guidelines

Marijuana Policy

Conflicts Between Federal and State Narcotics Law Enforcement

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Justice Department Marijuana Guidelines

Enforcement of Federal and State Narcotics Laws

In October 2009 and June 2011, the [U.S.]Department [of Justice] issued guidance to Federal prosecutors concerning marijuana enforcement under the Controlled Substances  Act  (CSA).  This  memorandum  updates  that guidance in light of State ballot initiatives that legalize under State law the possession of small amounts of marijuana and provide for the regulation of marijuana production, processing, and sale. The guidance set forth herein applies to all Federal enforcement activity, including civil enforcement and criminal investigations and prosecutions, concerning marijuana in all States. As the Department noted in its previous guidance, Congress has determined that marijuana is a dangerous drug and that…

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