Congressional Digest

Supreme Court Debates April 2011 No. 4 Vol. 14
William P. Barr, Benjamin R. Civiletti, Edwin Meese III,  et al.

Material-Witness Detentions

The U.S. Post-September 11 Antiterrorism Policy

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William P. Barr, Benjamin R. Civiletti, Edwin Meese III, et al.

Amici Curiae

Richard A. Samp, Counsel of Record William P. Barr, Benjamin R. Civiletti, and Edwin Meese III are joined in this brief by two other former U.S. attorneys general and the Washington Legal Foundation. Richard A. Samp is chief counsel of the Washington Legal Foundation, a conservative legal advocacy group. The following is excerpted from the Amicus Curiae Brief for the Petitioner as submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on December 20, 2010. Qualified immunity not only provides government officials with a defense to liability, it also is “an entitlement not to stand trial or face the other burdens of litigation.”…

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