Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest August 2000 No. 8 Vol. 79
American Collectors Association, Inc. (ACA)

Medical Records Privacy

2000-2001 Policy Debate Topic

American Collectors Association, Inc. (ACA)

Gary D. Rippentrop, Chief Executive Officer

ACA is an international trade association representing 4,400credit and debt collection professionals who provide a varietyof accounts receivable management services. Headquartered in Minneapolis,Minnesota, ACA serves members in the United States, Canada, and55 other countries. ACA members include third-party collectionagencies, credit grantors, attorneys, and vendor affiliates. GaryRippentrop became ACA’s CEO in 1996. Before that he served for21 years as President of the Minnesota Automobile Dealers Association.The following statement is from an April 26, 2000, hearing beforethe Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensionson Medical Records Privacy and the Proposed Federal Regulations.Debt collection specialists perform an invaluable service tothe economy, particularly…

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