Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest September 2003 No. 7 Vol. 82
American Sportfishing Association (ASA)

Ocean Policy

2003-2004 Policy Debate Topic

American Sportfishing Association (ASA)

Michael Nussman, President

The American Sportfishing Association is a nonprofit trade organization whose members include tackle manufacturers, boat builders, State fish and wildlife agencies, angler organizations, sportfishing retailers, and the outdoor media. Michael Nussman joined ASA as Vice President for Government Affairs in 1993 and became President in October 2001. He worked for nine years on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. In 1994, President Clinton appointed him U.S. Recreational Commissioner to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, a post he held until 2000. The following is from testimony presented to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, in Washington,…

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