Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest October 1999 No. 10 Vol. 78
Honorable Gordon H. Smith

Patients' Bill of Rights

Consumer Protection and Managed Care

Honorable Gordon H. Smith

United States Senator, Oregon, Republican

Senator Smith was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1996.He served in the Oregon Senate from 1992 to 1996, where he wasPresident of the Senate from 1994 to 1996. Senator Smith serveson the Budget Committee, the Energy and Natural Resources Committee,and the Foreign Relations Committee, within which he chairs theSubcommittee on European Affairs. The following statement is fromthe Senate floor debate of July 15, 1999, on S. 1344, the Patients’Bill of Rights Act.I stand before the Senate as a member of the bar. But I amnot going to speak as a member of the bar. I am going to…

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