Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest January 2017 No. 1 Vol. 96
Electoral College Reform

The Electoral College Debate

Preserve, Abolish, or Reform?

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Electoral College Reform

Federal, State, and Nongovernmental Proposals

Congress may consider three basic options if it addresses the question of Electoral College reform. The first choice, widely advocated for at least 50 years, would repeal the sections of the Constitution dealing with the Electoral College—Clause2ofArticleII,Section1andtheTwelfth Amendment — and substitute direct popular election. The second, largely dormant for several decades, would reform the Electoral College system by eliminating some of the alleged problem areas. A third option would be to leave arrangements as they are at present. ■ End It — Direct Popular Election Replaces the Electoral College The direct election alternative would abolish the Electoral College, substituting a…

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