Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
Chester E. Finn, Jr., President
The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation supports research, publications,and action projects of national significance in elementary/secondaryeducation reform, as well as significant education reform projectsin Dayton, Ohio, and the vicinity. It is affiliated with the ManhattanInstitute, a nonpartisan, independent research and educationalorganization supported by tax-deductible gifts from individuals,foundations, and corporations. Chester E. Finn, Jr. is presidentof the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation and John M. Olin Fellow atthe Manhattan Institute. From 1985 to 1988, he served as AssistantSecretary for Research and Improvement and Counselor to the Secretaryof the U.S. Department of Education. The following article, "FirstDo No Harm: The Federal Role in Education…