Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest December 2016 No. 10 Vol. 95
Honorable Kathy Castor

U.S. Embargo on Cuba

Cold War Anachronism of Leverage for Democratic Reform?

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Honorable Kathy Castor

United States Representative, Democrat, Florida

Representative Castor, of the Fourteenth District of Florida, was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2006. She served on the Hillsborough County (Florida) Board of Commissioners from 2002 to 2006. She sits on the Budget Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee. The following is a January 7, 2015, House floor statement on “United States-Cuba Relations.” I commend the Obama Administration and the President for his bold move in finally moving this outdated, anachronistic policy towards Cuba into a positive direction. Because just think about this: Since the embargo has been in place and our policy of…

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