Congressional Digest

Supreme Court Debates May 2024 No. 5 Vol. 27
Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) et al., Amici Curiae

Prosecuting Donald Trump

Legal Immunity for Former Presidents

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Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) et al., Amici Curiae

Sen. Roger Marshall is joined in this brief by 26 other members of Congress. The following is excerpted from the Amici Curiae Brief for Petitioner as submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on March 19, 2024. In establishing a system of accountability for a president’s acts in office, the Framers were heavily influenced by history. In particular, the Framers were influenced by the example of the Roman Republic and its downfall at the hands of Julius Caesar, with which the Framers would have been familiar as learned men of their time.  The Framers were keenly aware of the pitfalls of…

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