Congressional Digest

Supreme Court Debates May 2024 No. 5 Vol. 27
Scholars of Constitutional Law, Amici Curiae

Prosecuting Donald Trump

Legal Immunity for Former Presidents

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Scholars of Constitutional Law, Amici Curiae

The amici in this case are six law school professors who specialize in constitutional law, executive immunity and separation of powers principles. The following is excerpted from the Amici Curiae Brief for Respondent as submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on April 8, 2024. Over two centuries ago, in Marbury v. Madison (1803), [Supreme Court] Chief Justice [John] Marshall observed that not every constitutional question of deep political and legal importance is of “an intricacy proportioned to its interest.” In other words, sometimes even the most fundamental questions of constitutional interpretation can yield a straightforward answer. This is one such…

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