Robert H. Bork, Ronald A. Cass, Douglas W. Kmiec, Ronald D. Rotunda, and John Yoo
Amici Curiae
David B. Rivkin, Jr., Counsel of Record Robert H. Bork, Ronald A. Cass, Douglas W.Kmiec, Ronald D. Rotunda, and John Yoo arelaw professors specializing in constitutional law, internationallaw, andadministrative law. David B. Rivkin, Jr. is a partner in thelaw firm Baker & Hostetler, where he specializes in environmental, energy,and international law. He received his law degree from Columbia University in1985. The following is excerpted from the Amicus Curiae Brieffor the Respondents as submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on October 24, 2006. Global climatechange is, of course, a complex political and scientific issue of enormousimportance to the United States…