Congressional Digest

Supreme Court Debates May 2018 No. 5 Vol. 21
American Medical Association (AMA), Amicus Curiae

Pregnancy Crisis Centers

Family Planning Clinics and Abortion Counseling

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American Medical Association (AMA), Amicus Curiae

Leonard A. Nelson, Counsel of Record

The American Medical Association, founded in 1847, is the largest professional association of physicians, residents, and medical students in the United States. Leonard A. Nelson is the director of the litigation center at the American Medical Association. The following is excerpted from the Amicus Curiae Brief for Respondents as submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on February 27, 2018. Most free speech cases start, as did the courts below and does the brief of Petitioners, with a determination of the level of scrutiny to be applied to the speech in question. One of the Petitioners in this case, Pregnancy Care…

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