Gun Owners of America, Inc.; Gun Owners Foundation; Maryland Shall Issue, Inc.; Virginia Citizens Defense League, et al.
Amici Curiae
Herbert W. Titus, Counsel of Record The parties inthis brief are seven grass-roots organizations that lobby on Second Amendmentissues. Herbert W. Titus is a lawyer with the law firm William J. Olson, P.C.,specializing in constitutional law, election law, and appellate litigation. Hereceived his law degree from Harvard University in 1962. The following isexcerpted from the Amicus Curiae Brieffor the Respondent as submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on February 11, 2008. Theissue in this case is whether three District of Columbia Code provisionsviolate a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms for private use in one’shome. Under longstanding…