Congressional Digest

Supreme Court Debates May 2008 No. 5 Vol. 11
James Alan Fox and David McDowall

The Second Amendment

Gun Control and the Right to "Bear Arms"

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James Alan Fox and David McDowall

Amici Curiae

Albert W. Wallis, Counsel of Record James Alan Foxis a professor of criminal justice and law at Northeastern University. DavidMcDowall is a professor of criminal justice at the State University of New Yorkat Albany. Albert W. Wallis is Executive Director of the Brown Rudnick Centerfor the Public Interest. He received his law degree from Boston University in1973. The following is excerpted from the Amicus Curiae Brief for the Petitioners as submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court onJanuary 11, 2008.   Thegun control legislation enacted in the District of Columbia in 1976 that bannedhandguns in the city is an effective law…

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