Congressional Digest

International Debates Archives February 2010 No. 2 Vol. 8
U.S. Counternarcotics Strategy

U.S.–Mexico Border Violence

Gun Trafficking and the Fight Against Cartels

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U.S. Counternarcotics Strategy

The Office of National Drug Control Policy Report

The National Drug Intelligence Center assesses that Mexican drug trafficking organizations are the primary participants in and beneficiaries of firearms trafficking along the U.S.Mexico border. The close link between firearms trafficking and drug trafficking on the Southwest border has facilitated the acquisition of increasingly powerful and sophisticated weaponry by drug trafficking organizations. These organizations require a consistent supply of firearms and ammunition to defend their territory, eliminate rivals, enforce business dealings, challenge government operations, and control organization members. This in turn has resulted in the proliferation of U.S.-based illegal firearms and explosives smuggling/trafficking schemes operated by persons, gangs, drug trafficking…

More on U.S.–Mexico Border Violence:

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