Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest June 2010 No. 6 Vol. 89
U.S. and Global Oil Markets

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Economic and Environmental Consequences of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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U.S. and Global Oil Markets

Trends in Demand and Production

Access to potential oil and gas resources under the U.S. outer Continental Shelf (OCS) continues to be controversial. Moratoria on leasing and development in certain areas were established by Congress (beginning in 1981) and by the President (beginning in 1990). These moratoria were largely eliminated in 2008 and 2009, although a few areas remain legislatively off limits to leasing. Exploration and production proceed in stages during which increasing data provide increasing certainty about volumes of oil and gas present. Prior to discovery by drilling wells, the estimated volumes of oil and gas are termed undiscovered resources. The Minerals Management Service…

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