Congressional Digest

Supreme Court Debates December 2000 No. 9 Vol. 3
Missouri Amendment Language

State Regulation of Federal Elections

Identifying Term-Limits Opponents on the Ballot

Missouri Amendment Language

Rules for Labeling Candidates on Support of Term Limits

Shall Article VIII of the Missouri Constitution be amended to provide that Missourians intend this initiative to lead to adoption of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution establishing congressional term limits and further amend Article VIII to provide the secretary of State shall determine and inform voters on election ballots whether candidates for Congress support congressional term limits by printing adjacent to incumbent candidates who failed to support congressional term limits "DISREGARDED VOTERS’ INSTRUCTIONS ON TERM LIMITS" and printing adjacent to nonincumbent candidates who refuse to take a term limits pledge "DECLINED TO PLEDGE TO SUPPORT TERM LIMITS"? The taxpayers…

More on State Regulation of Federal Elections:

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