Congressional Digest

Supreme Court Debates December 2000 No. 9 Vol. 3
State of Nebraska

State Regulation of Federal Elections

Identifying Term-Limits Opponents on the Ballot

State of Nebraska

Amicus Curiae

L. Steven Grasz, Counsel of RecordThe State of Nebraska — like Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Nevada, and South Dakota — has a constitutional provision similar to Missouri’s and therefore has an interest in seeing the constitutionality of the provision upheld. L. Steven Grasz has served as Nebraska’s Chief Deputy Attorney General since 1991. He oversees 26 attorneys in the Nebraska Department of Justice’s Litigation, Legal Services, and Roads sections. He is the author of numerous law review articles and is a 1989 graduate of the University of Nebraska College of Law. The following is excerpted from the Amicus…

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