The Human Right to Water and Sanitation
Text of UN the Resolution
The following is the text of the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on July 29, 2010, by a vote of 122 to zero, with 41 countries abstaining. The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 54/175 of 17 December 1999, on the right to development, 55/196 of December 20, 2000, proclaiming 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater, 58/217 of December 23, 2003, proclaiming the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life” (2005-2015), 59/228 of December 22, 2004, 61/192 of December 20, 2006, proclaiming 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation, and 64/198 of December 21, 2009, regarding the midterm…