Congressional Digest

Archive: 2017 October

    Campus Sexual Assault

October 28, 2017

On September 22, the Department of Education replaced Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault with temporary measures that would make it more difficult to prove sexual misconduct. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos cited concerns that the current policy denies due process to accused individuals. “One rape is one too many, one assault is one too many, one aggressive act of harrassment is one too many, one person denied process is one too many,” DeVos said at a speech at George Mason University. She added that school administrators have told her that the system es­tablished by the Obama Administration “has run amok.”…

    Birth Control Rule

October 23, 2017

On October 6, the Trump Administration released new rules that would allow employers to seek an exemption, for religious or moral reasons, to the Obamacare provision requiring insurance plans to cover contraception. According to a study commissioned by the Obama Ad­ministration, 55 million women now have access to free birth control because of the contraceptive coverage mandate. That provision has been the subject of more than five years of litigation, however. In August, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ruled that nonreligious anti-abortion groups must comply with the mandate. The court sided with the Federal Government in…


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