Congressional Digest

Archive: 2023 September

    Pros and Cons of New Blood Donation Rules

September 01, 2023

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently finalized new blood donation guidelines that will make it easier for gay and bisexual men to give blood after decades of restrictions. The new guidelines removed a decades-long requirement that men who have sex with other men must abstain from sex for three months before donating blood in order to help protect blood supplies from HIV. Now, all potential blood donors will be given a questionnaire to evaluate individual risk for HIV based on factors such as sexual behavior and recent partners. Interested donors who report having had anal sex with new…

    Pros and Cons of Ending Short-Term Health Plans

September 01, 2023

The Biden administration is going after what it calls “junk insurance” as part of its plan to lower health care costs for American consumers. In July the Health and Human Services, Treasury and Labor departments issued proposed rules that would limit short-term health plans to three months, with an option to be renewed for only one month. Initially created during the Obama administration, the short-term health plans were meant to be used during transition periods, such as times when people are between jobs, and were limited to 90-day periods. Under the Trump administration in 2018, the 90-day limit was expanded…


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