Congressional Digest

Archive: 2021 June

    Pros and Cons of Biden’s Immigration Policy

A record number of unaccompanied children reached the U.S. border in March 2021, more than the last record set in March 2019. The surge left the Biden administration scrambling to find an immediate solution to house and care for the migrant children and families while balancing its long-term immigration agenda. On his first day in office, President Joe Biden introduced a legislative framework that demonstrated that he would be taking a different approach to immigration issues than his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. Specifically, the U.S. Citizen Act of 2021 would provide an eight-year pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants,…

    Pros and Cons of Raising the Corporate Tax

June 01, 2021

President Joe Biden announced this spring that he plans to raise the corporate tax rate to help fund his more than $2 trillion infrastructure bill. Supporters of the plan argued that it would help support American workers and families because corporations would be putting money back into the U.S. economy. Detractors of the higher tax rate, however, said that a greater tax burden on corporations could lead to job losses and a weakened economy. Under the Trump administration, the corporate tax rate was cut from 35% to 21%. Biden has announced he would increase the rate to 28%. Biden touted…


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