Congressional Digest

Archive: 2022 June

    Pros and Cons of Proxy Voting in the House

June 01, 2022

As millions of Americans moved to virtual work in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, so too did members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The move was designed to allow lawmakers to continue working on behalf of their constituents without putting Capitol staff or other lawmakers at risk from the virus. However, some in Congress now say that the danger has passed and that it’s time to lift proxy voting rules, saying it hinders the legislative process. While the Senate continued to require members to show up in person throughout the pandemic, the House passed a temporary resolution…

    Pros and Cons of Regulating Cryptocurrency

June 01, 2022

As cryptocurrency becomes more popular, some lawmakers are calling for increased regulation of these digital assets. However, the unique aspects of cryptocurrency have even the most supportive industry stakeholders warning that any new rules must be created thoughtfully and with a light touch rather than leaning on existing banking rules. The use of cryptocurrency, a form of digital currency, has grown rapidly. By the end of 2021, the crypto market nearly surpassed $3 trillion, up from $14 billion five years before. Roughly 16% of Americans also report having invested in, traded or used this type of currency, according to a…


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