Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest February 1999 No. 2 Vol. 78
Censure of the President

Impeachment of the President

Interpreting "High Crimes and Misdemeanors"

Censure of the President

Legal Basis and Congressional Precedents

Some Members of Congress and commentators have suggested acongressional "censure" of the President to expressCongress’s disapproval of his conduct. Censure is commonly definedin modern parlance to mean the "formal resolution of a legislative,administrative, or other body reprimanding a person, normallyone of its own members, for specified conduct" (Black’sLaw Dictionary).Constitutional AuthorityIn Congress, censures are most typically known as simple resolutionsof the House or Senate, formally adopted by a vote of either bodyand expressing some form of disapproval or other term of rebukeor condemnation concerning a Member’s conduct that bears generallyon a "breach of the rights and privileges" of the institution(Deschler’s Precedents…

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