Congressional Digest

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    Pros and Cons of Teaching Critical Race Theory

December 01, 2021

A movement in the U.S. that suggests that race is a social construct used to oppress minority groups is emerging as a fierce point of division among Americans. Many Republicans are pushing new policies to bar public schools from teaching critical race theory (CRT) and the issue has made its way into political campaigns. Originally developed through legal scholarship in the late 20th century, CRT is a concept that aims to explain how discrimination and inequity are woven into laws, policies and systems. Thus, the doctrine states, racism is perpetuated in American culture. The theory argues that racism goes beyond…


    Pros and Cons of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

November 01, 2021

In spring 2021, President Joe Biden struck a deal with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to remove U.S. sanctions on a Russian company building a natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. While analysts suggested the move was made to protect U.S. relations with Germany, the decision was opposed by both Republicans and Democrats as well as several European countries. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline, constructed by the Russian state-controlled gas company Gazprom, is projected to double natural gas exports into Europe once German regulators certify the recently completed project. The pipeline runs under the Baltic Sea and bypasses Poland and…


    Pros and Cons of the Hyde Amendment

November 01, 2021

As lawmakers negotiated annual government spending bills this summer and fall, federal funding for abortions emerged as a contentious issue. Democrats pushed for the removal of an annual appropriations rider known as the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortions, while Republicans said they were committed to keeping it on the books. First enacted by Congress in 1976, the Hyde Amendment, named for former Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), means there is no coverage for abortions for Medicaid recipients and those who get health care through other federal programs like the Indian Health Service, Medicare and the Children’s Health Insurance…


    Pros and Cons of the Eviction Moratorium

October 01, 2021

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers instituted a moratorium on evictions, arguing that people needed to stay in their homes regardless of their ability to pay rent to control the spread of the disease and the economic impacts of lockdowns. A Congressionally instituted eviction moratorium, however, expired in July 2020. After Congress failed to pass an extension in time the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) then issued an emergency order keeping the moratoriums in place, citing the Public Health Service Act of 1944. That order proved controversial, pitting the welfare of renters against the potential income loss…


    Pros and Cons of Mask Mandates

October 01, 2021

As COVID-19 began to surge again in late summer, so did the debate about mask mandates. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) relaxed its mask guidance in the spring when COVID numbers began to decline amid rising vaccinations. However, the agency reinstated recommendations for individuals, both unvaccinated and vaccinated, to wear masks indoors as cases began to rise again in July as the delta variant spread. The CDC’s guidance amplified the division among Americans about whether the government should be able to dictate safety precautions such as masks. The debate rang loud in Congress, where Attending Physician…


    Pros and Cons of Raising the Gas Tax

September 01, 2021

The federal gas tax, which hasn’t been raised since 1993, currently stands at 18.4 cents per gallon. Revenue from that tax funds improvements of U.S. roads, bridges and mass transit systems but has left the government short of all the money needed to keep transportation networks in a state of good repair. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Highway Trust Fund, which is largely funded by the gas tax, could be insolvent by the end of 2022. Now a bipartisan group of senators is proposing raising the federal gas tax to fund infrastructure improvements. Proposals to raise the tax…


    Pros and Cons of Repealing the Iraq War Authorization

September 01, 2021

The House voted in June to repeal the 2002 Iraq War authorization. The measure repealing the authorization to use military force (AUMF) passed by a vote of 268-161 and received overwhelming support from Democrats and 49 Republicans. The 2002 AUMF allowed the George W. Bush administration to invade Iraq over suspicions that the country was developing weapons of mass destruction. The invasion toppled former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s government but also led to what some have called a “forever war,” with American troops still in the country nearly two decades later. The 2002 AUMF came a year after Congress passed…


    Pros and Cons of Biden’s Immigration Policy

A record number of unaccompanied children reached the U.S. border in March 2021, more than the last record set in March 2019. The surge left the Biden administration scrambling to find an immediate solution to house and care for the migrant children and families while balancing its long-term immigration agenda. On his first day in office, President Joe Biden introduced a legislative framework that demonstrated that he would be taking a different approach to immigration issues than his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. Specifically, the U.S. Citizen Act of 2021 would provide an eight-year pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants,…


    Pros and Cons of Raising the Corporate Tax

June 01, 2021

President Joe Biden announced this spring that he plans to raise the corporate tax rate to help fund his more than $2 trillion infrastructure bill. Supporters of the plan argued that it would help support American workers and families because corporations would be putting money back into the U.S. economy. Detractors of the higher tax rate, however, said that a greater tax burden on corporations could lead to job losses and a weakened economy. Under the Trump administration, the corporate tax rate was cut from 35% to 21%. Biden has announced he would increase the rate to 28%. Biden touted…


    Pros and Cons of Canceling Student Loan Debt

President Joe Biden took steps toward making good on a campaign promise to tackle student loan debt this spring. The move, however, faced critics from the left, with some saying the president had not gone far enough to help debt-burdened graduates, and the right, which argued that the government should not waive student debt. In March, the Biden administration announced that it would cancel $1 billion in student loan debt for 72,000 borrowers who attended schools that closed abruptly or that used illegal or deceptive practices. The move streamlined the process for borrowers applying for assistance after a Trump-era policy…


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